FAQs in section [40]:
[40.1] How can I generate HTML documentation for my classes? Does C++ have anything similar to javadoc?
Yes. Here are a few (listed alphabetically by tool name):
- ccdoc supports
javadoc-like syntax with various extensions. It's freely copiable and
- doc++ generates HTML
or TeX. Supports javadoc-like syntax with various extensions. Open
- doxygen generates HTML,
LaTeX or RTF. Supports javadoc-like syntax with various extensions. Open
generates HTML, TeX, RTF, man page, plain text, and anything else you'd like
(it lets you set up arbitrary output formats). It's freely copiable.
Other documentation tools are listed at
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[40.2] Is there a TeX or LaTeX macro that fixes the spacing on "C++"?
Here are two LaTeX macros for the word "C++". They prevent line
breaks between the "C" and "++", and the first packs the two "+"s
close to each other but the second does not. Try them both and see which
one you like best.
\newcommand{\CC}{C\nolinebreak\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bf +}\nolinebreak\hspace{-.10em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bf +}}
\def\CC{{C\nolinebreak[4]\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bf ++}}}
Here are two more LaTeX macros for the word "C++". They allow line
breaks between the "C" and "++", which may not be desirable, but
they're included here just in case.
\def\CC{C\raise.22ex\hbox{{\footnotesize +}}\raise.22ex\hbox{\footnotesize +}}
\def\CC{{C\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bf ++}}}
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[40.3] Are there any pretty-printers that reformat C++ source code?
In alphabetical order:
- A2PS is a Unix-based pretty-printer. It is available from
- Artistic Style is a reindenter and reformatter of C++, C and Java
source code. It is available from
- C++2LaTeX is a LaTeX pretty printer. It is available from
- C-Clearly by V Communications, Inc. is a Windows program that comes
with standard formatting templates and also allows you to customize your own.
- GNU indent program may help. It's available at
www.arceneaux.com/indent.html. You can also find an
"official" GNU mirror site by looking at
www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html or perhaps the original GNU site,
prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/ (e.g., if the current version is 1.9.1
you could use prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/indent-1.9.1.tar.gz).
- "HPS Beauty" is reported to be a Windows 95/98/NT4/NT2000 utility
that beautifies C/C++ source code based on rules. The interface is entirely
GUI, but HPS Beauty may also be run from the command line. It supports style
files, which allow you to save and restore groups of settings. HPS Beauty also
offers an optional visual results window, that shows both the before and the
after file. Optional HTML output allows you to view source code with syntax
highlighting in your browser. www.highplains.net.
- "Source Styler for C++" has lots of bells and whistles. It
is a commercial product with a free 15-day trial period. It seems to
offer control over tons of different features.
- tgrind is a Unix based pretty printer. It usually comes with the
public distribution of TeX and LaTeX in the directory
"...tex82/contrib/van/tgrind". A more up-to-date version of tgrind by
Jerry Leichter can be found on: venus.ycc.yale.edu/pub in
[.TGRIND]. [Note: If anyone has an updated URL for tgrind, please let me
know (cline@parashift.com).]
Finally, you might consider lgrind which is another C++ to LaTeX
translator (check for
the closest mirror site of the ctan archive). The following is a
grind definition for C++ (but this one doesn't recognize some new keywords such
as bool or wchar_t, and it doesn't recognize a file ending with
.cpp as C++):
:kw=asm auto break case cdecl char continue default do double else\
enum extern far float for fortran goto huge if int interrupt long\
near pascal register return short signed sizeof static struct\
switch typedef union unsigned while void\
#define #else #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #undef # define\
endif ifdef ifndef include undef defined #pragma\
class const delete friend inline new operator overload private\
protected public template this virtual:
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[40.4] Is there a C++-mode for GNU emacs? If so, where can I get it?
Yes, there is a C++-mode for GNU emacs.
The latest and greatest version of C++-mode (and C-mode) is implemented in the
file cc-mode.el. It is an extension of Detlef and Clamen's version. A
version is included with emacs. Newer version are available from the elisp
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[40.5] Where can I get OS-specific questions answered (e.g., BC++, Windows, etc)?
See one of the following:
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[40.6] Why does my DOS C++ program says "Sorry: floating point code not linked"?
The compiler attempts to save space in the executable by not including the
float-to-string format conversion routines unless they are necessary, but
sometimes it guesses wrong, and gives you the above error message. You can fix
this by (1) using <iostream> instead of <cstdio>, or (2) by including
the following function somewhere in your compilation (but don't call it!):
static void dummyfloat(float *x) { float y; dummyfloat(&y); }
See the FAQ on stream I/O for more reasons to
use <iostream> vs. <cstdio>.
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[40.7] Why does my BC++ Windows app crash when I'm not running the BC45 IDE?
If you're using BC++ for a Windows app, and it works OK as long as you have the
BC45 IDE running, but when the BC45 IDE is shut down you get an exception
during the creation of a window, then add the following line of code to the
InitMainWindow() member function of your application
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Revised Mar 1, 2006